Mrs. Rodriguez
Mrs. Rodriguez was born in Coahuila, Mexico but raised here in Fort Worth. She received her degree from Texas Wesleyan University. This is her 6th year teaching. She has taught grades 1,2,3,5, but so far, 5th grade has been her favorite.
Mrs. Rodriguez has two beautiful girls named Giselle and Andrea with her 3rd baby girl on the way. Giselle will be starting 1st grade this year and Andrea is three years old. Her dog is a golden doodle and her name is Stormi and she's the best dog ever. During her summer and free time, she loves going to the beach, traveling, swimming and spending time with her family creating new memories with all the kids bonding.
Elementary school was some of the happiest memories of her life. School was fun, her teachers were amazing. They all inspired her to become a teacher.
Mrs. Rodriguez is very excited about the new school year! She's excited about her new students and the new relationships the upcoming school year will bring. She loves the new curriculum and is so excited to reteach it this year. Mrs. Rodriguez thinks we will all have lots of fun learning this school year!